
SBFIC – Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation


The completion of the Credit Union Training Center (CUTraC) at Kasoa brought about new challenges – how to manage the facilities and implement programmes that would meet the goals and aspirations of the credit union Movement. In relation to that, CUA in partnership with the SBFIC set up a management team to see to the implementation of programmes at the training center including the management of the facilities since July 2010. So far:

– A training needs analysis was carried out in 2011
– A Curricula system was developed
– Seventeen trainers were selec ted and trained from inside the credit union movement
– Two courses are already running ( Member Care / Loan Officers Training)
– Two more courses would be developed in 2012 ( Board training and CU Operations Basics)
– Programmes for credit union staff (consisting of several short term courses) will be offered in collaboration with the University of Cape Coast from 2014 onwards.

Over the last 200 years, German Sparkassen have developed into one of the largest financial groups worldwide, successfully combining a high degree of professionalism with a strong social mandate. The mission of the Sparkassenstiftung fuer internationale Kooperation (Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation – SBFIC) is to make the German Sparkassen experience accessible to similar financial institutions in developing and transition countries.

See also