In 1994, WOCCU and ACCOSCA, that is World Council of Credit Unions and African Confederation of Co-operative Savings and Credit Association introduced the African Revitalization Programme at a meeting in Kigali in Rwanda. The idea was to encourage credit unions in Africa to change from social orientation to more business approach in their operations. It was accepted by all the 28 African countries operating credit unions. Ghana was chosen with seven other countries for a pilot programme which was financed by the World Council of Credit Unions. In 1995, the Ghana Government and the Canadian Government signed an agreement for capacity building of credit unions in Ghana. The project was financed by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and was managed by the Canadian Co-operative Association (CCA) in partnership with the Ghana Co-operative Credit Unions Association (CUA) Limited. They built the capacity of CUA and its primary societies towards the viability and future development of credit unions in the country.
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