
News & Events

23rd Biennial and Educational Conference

23rd Biennial and Educational Conference

The 23rd Biennial and Educational Conference of the Ghana Co-operative Credit Unions Association (CUA) is scheduled to take place from November 19th to 22nd,2024, at the Credit Union Training Centre (CUTraC) off the Kasoa Bawjiasi Road.

The theme for the conference is “Empowering Communities, Enriching Lives: The Role of Credit Unions.

 The conference will bring together professionals, policymakers, and financial experts to discuss the current state and future direction of the credit union movement in Ghana, with a focus on inclusivity, education, innovation, and sustainable growth.

Some Key Focus Areas will include: 

  • Digitalization and Cyber Security
  • Promoting Ethical Leadership, Shaping the Future
  • Leadership Empowerment
  • Credit Union Business Taxation
  • Credit Union Operational Challenges and Related Policies
  • The Impact of Advocacy in Re-Shaping Credit Unions etc. 

The conference will provide opportunities for participants to network with leaders, professionals, and partners in the financial sector to foster collaboration and growth. 


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